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  • John Patrick Bray


Updated: Nov 17, 2021

For the past two years I've participated in 31Plays/31Days. In August, I wrote a handful of ten-minute plays and one of them has gained some notice. "Fix" tells the story of two old friends who face their demons one day at a time. It's inspired by a prompt (a gloved hand holding a blade - not shard, but a blade - of ice. I combined that image with a few stories that have been rattling around my head since my days of living in upstate, New York.

"Fix" has been produced by Axial Theatre as part of Twisted Valentines last month up in Pleasantville, New York. Axial has produced a handful of my short plays the past few years. They are incredibly generous and amazingly talented.

"Fix" at Axial Theatre, directed by Catherine Banks with Susan Ward as "Roberta."

"Fix" was then presented by another wonderful company, T. Schreiber Studios, as part of the 2018 Schreiber Shorts, directed by Peter Jensen. The evening was produced under an AEA contract and ran at The Robert Moss Theatre in downtown, NYC.

The Schreiber Shorts Playwrights.

Finally, the play has just been published in The Coachella Review, which is available here:

I realize I'm telling you about all of this after the fact - but as you can see, I'm finally joining the twenty-first century (blogs? website? what?). I guess you can teach an old (er, middle-age) dog a new trick. Cheers, JPB

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